LeadU presents What’s next?


What’s next?

Sunday’s Unchained Melodies
As you might have guessed from previous and future weekly posts, I’m working hard to get all of my models codified and linked to leaderwork @ leadu.com/news

But sometimes, the ‘S’ work is just too much and I need off the chain. smiley

I thought to myself, all work and no play makes Mike a dull day, so Sunday’s unchained melodies are now in play. smiley

Modeling leaderwork
I want to show you how to apply some of the leaderwork I suggest and see it in my bias and style, at my levels, role, and ValuDYNAMICS.

Leaders have opinions too!
[Context for the chain below is this article: https://open.substack.com/pub/antimimetic/p/its-time-to-build-unsiloed-edition ]
Then a comment:

Jonathan Rowson:
Good piece. (Noting Luke’s Piece)

“The materialist view is going to die. It is already in the process of dying. The clicks and the engagement are like a chicken with its head cut off running around for a few minutes before it finally collapses.”

(And ‘Yuval Hararian Man’ made me laugh)
Then my first response:
Mike R Jay:


I wanted to add a thought. Materialism, like all other ‘isms’, tends to come into and out of popularity as the populace tends to harmonize with the dominant paradigm in vogue — brightening and dimming in the process.

Materialism will be like other ‘isms’, dim or brighten as the case may be, based largely on the dominant vMEME (Spiral Gravesian Dynamics) related to CCR (no not the band;) Culture, Conditions & Requirements in concert with the individual’s motivation.

McClelland did work to identify Four Social Motives: Power, Achievement, and Affiliation directly and Avoidance indirectly. Concurrently, Graves research shared a similar emergence with Spiral Gravesian Dynamics’ notation: CP-Red, DQ-Blue, ER-Orange, FS-Green to note a few which almost directly matchup with McClelland’s work.

The reason I mention all this is that materialism will be sustained because of the natural motive structures solving existential problems in a particular way related to the past, present, and future CCR whose perspective is also matched by personal dynamics emergent is psychology.

Sorry for the oversimplified response but it’s important to note that materialism is dimming in some and continues to brighten in others.

These ‘isms’ are largely sustained through strange attractors or values basins where ValuDYNAMICS (I call it) interact to maintain the structures of values and rewarding behaviors.


It’s getting pretty weird commenting on your own comment, but one thing I didn’t want to try to back stack. smiley

Graves original research showed a 6-system model with an octave of a Sigmoid leap, I’ll call it, smiley to another 6 systems to evolve.

However, few will know, have access, or remember that Graves showed a ‘significant’ shift in intelligence between the BO-PURPLE vMEME [value ‘attractor’ basis in Jay lingo] and CP-RED.

Long story short, if Gravesian postulation was interpreted using a JAY lens, the reason we don’t have 2nd Tier Leaderwork proliferating is due to barriers, which, one of the most important, is a ‘significant’ leap in “intelligence of sorts” — which I term VOLTAGE Complexity. It’s made up of Vertical, Oblique, Lateral, and Time Complexity.

My point in clarification is to point out that without ‘resources in VOLTAGE, GT-YELLOW ‘s construction of meaning and sensemaking is hollow and superficial without the reasoning required to participate in metasystematicity… itself a tall order for any of us.
Second Response
Jonathan Rowson:

Thanks Mike. That’s an important and useful comment. I’ll take some time to process it, but for now I’m keen to understand what you think follows. If you are saying that the preeminent metaphysics stems primarily from prevailing emotional needs within any given socio-economic structure and the patterns of power that sustain it, does it imply anything normative for those who (correctly?) perceive that?
Then my 2nd Response
Mike R Jay:

You would ask an erudite question. smiley

It’s complex to answer this… I think it was a vignette in one of James Hillman’s audio programs where in which someone asked an Indian guru: “…can you talk about god…,” and the guru answered: “…with form or without form…”

My first thought on the response for your question is that it has not much to do with emotion, but with the nature of the hardwiring in people and the lack of awareness of those filters of stimuli emergent: @ leadu.com/Damasio for an example… emotion is a way to explain “the feeling of what happened”, according to Damasio.

If you imbue economic and war cycles with this notion of “spiraling” development in the collective, each paradigm shift that emerges as a result seems historically to be represented with great tension in both.

As long as I don’t get to more complexity, I would say what’s next maybe the end… in so many fashions of that which is familiar (over the next decade).

We are in a developmental cul de sac and the only way out of it may be to blast a new road. We have passed the point of peaceful negotiation — I think Schumpeter was probably right in this immediate future playing out.

SGD says GT-yellow is next but as much as I see the attractor basin present, the other element which is missing is “intelligence”!

However, something on my mind lately is that “missing intellectual capacity” that is required for meta-systematicity (corresponds to second tier networks) may be emerging with AI.

If AI can remove the existential requirements in tier 1, then the HUMANING TIER: being, doing, having, becoming — contributing (GT-Yellow), etc. emergence can be supplemented with proper AI.

Yet AI is biased by the trainers and developers who are “stupid with less complex ValuDYNAMICS in notions of right and wrong” and miss out on the field that Rumi pointed out. smiley To answer your question is to point to the insanity of doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

Things will be different out the other side but we seem to believe a WWIII is the mechanism to bring it about.

Like Einstein said “after getting emotional”, after all it was HIS letter to Roosevelt which created the Manhattan project: “…I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

I’m not at all sure that what’s next will help us understand the evolution of the collective except to note that way wasn’t a step in evolution any more than the big rock evolved the dinosaurs. smiley

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Notice: To pre-order a copy of Mike’s latest book mentioned in some of his posts in e-book format for $9.97 (available by October 3rd and/or $39.98 hardcover (preorder) with autographsmiley which will ship by March 2025, visit HERE to make your selection.

If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please visit https://www.leadu.com/comment/ to submit them.  Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. 

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as well as your work and leadership with others.

You, Me, and We @LeadU

Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring, and trusted advice emergent from dynamic inquiry as a means to cue, scaffold, support, lift, and protect; offering inspiration to aspiring leaders who are interested in humaning where being, doing, having, becoming, contributing, protecting, and letting go help people have generative lives.

Mike R. Jay
Leadership University

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