Sunday’s Unchained Melody
Among leader pivots, this one carries the most fundamental weight!
Essentially, this Teachable Point of View or TPOV establishes a foundational difference:
Individuals are natured with very specific intrinsic human proclivities… while organizations are nurtured into and through existence without a genetic predisposition.
Different developmental bias!
While it might seem like a simple notion, it’s a huge difference in developmental origin and evolution… practice!
Quick example?
Choosing values for an organization is different than recognizing the values already choosing the individual!
Nature Via Nurture?
As Ridley’s book of the same name points out the indivisible relationship between nature and nurture… Humaning is via nature and organizing systems is via nurture.
CRITICAL distinction…
…genetics and memetics may be related but are ‘not cause and effect’ regarding those entities beyond humans with inborn purpose.
Organizations are different!
As difficult as this is to understand, (and explain) it makes sense to note this fundamental difference in how humans and organizations evolve.
Organizations don’t have genes!
It’s easy to see that organizations, communities, states, and culture are not bound by genetic dispensation. Which accounts for why every human starts afresh at birth with their own predispositions and individualized natures; while organizations continue to evolve without having to go back to the beginning as they rebirth, shed prior skins, and absorb new leadership.
It’s not splitting hairs!
It might seem like such a minor distinction but @LeadU it’s a major difference in our approach to understanding how to help people and organizations learn, grow, and develop over time.
People won’t develop beyond…
Who they are.
Unlike organizations and AI which can easily change directions with new leadership and algorithms. People will not deviate much from their nature.
Because we are who we are!
Individual purpose is wired in… organizations, communities, and societies continue to evolve beyond what they were started as… people rarely do.
In most cases, we can’t often recognize these non-human entities* as they change names, rebrand, and repurpose… or die-off, go broke, bankrupt, and are merged; noting only 1 fortune 100 company remains after 100 years.
Change is most difficult…
Why this distinction I’m making is so essential for leaders to understand is directly related to the expectations of nature and nurture.
Blank Slate Ideology?
Nurture-centric means that you can make anyone fit into any role and develop the characteristics and tendencies, traits, and values necessary for that role with proper training, growth, and development.
Humans are NOT blank slates!
Nature-centric means that people come prewired with purpose, talent, preferences, traits, and values. A best fit occurs when role selection is designed to match those individual attributes with roles that specify those attributes.
Splitting hairs?
It’s actually a major pivot for leadership and the Generati.
All in
Join us,
Our team at Living & Loving Inquiry
Mike R Jay & Gary Gile
Founders @ The NEW LeadU
*while it may seem odd… AI is not inborn with predispositions uniquely its own, it evolves with learning without being bound by genetics. We won’t know for some time whether this points to good or not good.
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PS: For clarification
If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please visit to submit them. Someone will get back to you within 48 hours.
We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and
tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as
well as your work and leadership with others.
You, Me, and We @LeadU
Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring, and trusted advice emergent from dynamic inquiry as a means to cue, scaffold, support, lift, and protect; offering inspiration to aspiring leaders who are interested in humaning where being, doing, having, becoming, contributing, protecting, and letting go help people have generative lives.