Sunday’s Unchained Melody
With VUCA running the show globally, it’s difficult to find a place that is (SCSC) Steady, Certain, Simple, and Clear… you know, the opposite of VUCA: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous!
Is there something a leader can do?
What we’ve put money on is Self-knowledge, Self-awareness, and Adaptability.
In the eye of the hurricane!
- Eliminating large numbers of options is key for SCSC
- Noticing how VUCA will challenge your path of purpose
- Learning to adapt in the face of accelerating change by remaining in a true north bearing so that purpose reflects our LeadU tenets.
- Exponential change is not adaptive-seeking!
- Self-knowledge (SK)
- Self-awareness (SA)
- Adaptability (A)
Here’s our own example.
Leadu believes in our LeadU way even in the face of global challenges brought about by geopolitical CCR: Culture, Conditions, and Requirements, to remain viable and stay the course: it’s a form of a Social Security Administration!
Moving into… as a result of… moves us along… good or bad.
This path of purpose allows us to remain true to our organizing principles in the face of accelerating VUCA by:
Continuing to emerge self-knowledge through
…the development of an AI-lead approach to identifying a path of purpose for individuals and organizations through the development…
In concert with our LeadU Academy for training leaders — young and old —
Coaching leaders in the LeadU way
All integrated through a foundational approach to inquiry that requires listening for action ability…
Using our proprietary approach of DYNAMIC INQUIRY.
Emergent Self-knowledge, Self-Awareness, and Adaptability remain the anchors in the face of VUCA making SCSC (Steady, Certain, Simple, and Clear… the opposite of VUCA: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous!)… a productive response.
“If you know the why, you can bear any how.” – Nietzche
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Our team at Living & Loving Inquiry
Mike R Jay & Gary Gile
Founders @ The NEW LeadU
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Notice: To pre-order a copy of Mike’s latest book
mentioned in some of his posts in e-book format for $6.97 (available by
November 12 and/or $39.98 hardcover (preorder) with autograph
which will ship by March 2025, visit
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