LeadU presents Reason for Humaning


Reason for Humaning…

First off, let me start by offering a leadership stake in the ground.

Reason for being (as Generati… not unlike literati or digerati) has taken on a new twist I’m calling HUMANING.


HUMANING encompasses being yet recognizes there are additional categories motivating people, leaders, helpers, and anyone with an original idea who wants to move it along with aspirational and inspirational ideas of mission, vision, values through purpose.

In the past we have referred to it as a ‘reason for being’.

I coined the term humaning after going round and round for decades in my own leaderwork.

Then deciding there was a way to describe leaderwork with respect to IMULL (as in, I mull things over… and over).

IMULL is an acronym used to guide every sustainable, efficient, and effective (SEE) solution boiled down into five — easy to remember elements:

  • Importance
  • Motivation
  • Urgency
  • Leverage
  • Low-hanging fruit
IMULL is so critical as a leaderwork guidepost, I’ve been teaching it to leaders as a part of practicing their inquiry process… something I’ve named The Dynamic Inquiry System Skills or ‘The DISS’ — more about that later.

Reason for humaning?
IMULL is so critical a concept in practice that it encompasses the entire 7 Habits of Highly Effective People from Stephen Covey’s seminal 1989 work, now largely forgotten in this new generation of leaderwork.
  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with the End in Mind
  3. Put First Things First
  4. Think Win-Win
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw
    Even Covey’s 8th Habit is clearly manifested using IMULL:
  8. Find Your Voice and Inspire Others to Find Theirs
Why the ‘reason for humaning’ is so prescient is that we have differentiated nine emergent, networked systems — over time standing on the shoulders of others to organize and integrate — not only a ‘reason for being’ but eight additional, clearly visible ‘reasons for…’ networked in humaning.

Humaning is a reason for being… doing, having, becoming, contributing, relating, guiding, resilience, and Wellth.

Each of these categories of Humaning abstractly represents a system introduced to me by Dr. Don Edward Beck of Spiral Dynamics (1996) as a (Koan) way to consider organizing, integrating, and representing human existence and psychological growth.

While Spiral Dynamics and its precursors (Dr. Clare W. Graves) and takeoffs all attempt to elucidate human existence, a myriad of other systems offer pivotal ‘energy and information’ in formulating the paradigm of humaning as we experience it in our application of spacetime @LeadU.

To be sure… humaning and spacetime are not all there is… but for our consideration now, humaning encompasses not only a bounded existential choice down a ‘path of paths’ that by definition (humaning) favors our approach in leaderwork… but helping, which I am declaring as the new leadership.

It is with that acknowledgement that other work is highly regarded in humaning leaderwork as an alternate (more complex) path of intention, attention, alignment, capability, and coaching…5 constituents of GENERATI — discussed in another blog post.

In summary, declaring our ‘reason for humaning’ (being+) lands us at a point of demarcation worthy of IMULL, GENERATI and helping people have lives through our ‘reason for humaning’.

Mike R Jay & Gary Gile
Founders @ The NEW LeadU

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Notice: To pre-order a copy of Mike’s latest book mentioned in some of his posts in e-book format for $9.97 (available by October 3rd and/or $39.98 hardcover (preorder) with autographsmiley which will ship by March 2025, visit HERE to make your selection.

If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or need some additional help, please visit https://www.leadu.com/comment/ to submit them.  Someone will get back to you within 48 hours. 

We hope you pick up valuable insights, ideas, and tools during this process, which you can use for your own development as well as your work and leadership with others.

You, Me, and We @LeadU

Mike R. Jay is a developmentalist utilizing consulting, coaching, mentoring, and trusted advice emergent from dynamic inquiry as a means to cue, scaffold, support, lift, and protect; offering inspiration to aspiring leaders who are interested in humaning where being, doing, having, becoming, contributing, protecting, and letting go help people have generative lives.

Mike R. Jay
Leadership University

© Generati